Rosebush Manor has been open for the last 14 years. Located in Rosebush, Michigan the assisted care facility is home to 26 residents.
The residents of Rosebush vary significantly in the assistance they require. From Hospice patients to elderly who just don’t want to live alone anymore.
The residents of Rosebush live in apartment-style housing. With their own bedroom, living room, bathroom, and small kitchen area. Several married couples take residence in the facility.
June a resident at Rosebush has lived here for several years now. “I’ve been here for five years and won’t be going home,” she said, “They’re [the staff] nice but I’m 91, so I stay here.”
Rosebush Manor Resident Assistant Kristy Pulcifer has been working at the care facility for around a year but has been in this line of work since she was 18-years-old. “We’re really like a big family here,” said Pulcifer, “we love each other, we hate each other sometimes, but we’re there for each other.” The residents and staff have a good relationship together as they talk and even eat meals together.
The job, however, is not easy. There are early morning and long days included. Always on their feet tending to the latest call of a resident or gather the medicine for the afternoon; the staff of Rosebush Manor does not stop during their shifts. Regardless, the staff here enjoy what they do and find meaning in it. “You have your ups and your downs,” said Pulcifer, “but its all worth it when you get that warm feeling in your heart when they [the residents] say they love you when you put them to bed.”
Volunteer Joanne walks into Rosebush Manor at 5:30 a.m. on Dec. 7. Rosebush Manor is an assistive living facility that covers everything from basic care to hospice.
A friendly reminder is left on the wall of a resident on Dec. 9 at Rosebush Manor.
Resident Assistant Kristy Pulcifer (left) helps resident Betty Jo (right) with a drink of water to swallow her pills. "She's 91-years-old," said Pulcifer, "you'd never know it thought, she goes up and down these hallways all day."
Residents June (left) and Violet (right) get their nails done from Residence Relations and Wellness Coordinator Dawn Corwin. Corwin has been working at Rosebush for 12 and a half years.
Resident Assistant Kim Briggs (left) and Jessica Potoczak (right) work on progress notes for the residents on Dec. 7. Progress notes allow the care givers to track the wellness of each patient and help keep track of any issues that may arise.
Resident Betty Jo (left) gives Resident Assistant Kristy Pulcifer (right) a drink of Root Beer on Dec. 9 at Rosebush Manor. "I love her," said Pulcifer, "she's always so sweet and cute."
A pager and pendant worn by the care givers at Rosebush Manor are sat on a table. The pendants allow for the residents to call for a resident assistant for help; the pager shows the name and room number of the callers.
Resident Assistant Kim Briggs gives takes a blood sample of a resident. "I've talked to the nurses that work here," said Briggs, "She used to complain about the insulin shots hurting her, now I give them below the belly button and there are no complaints."
Resident Assistant Kristy Pulcifer prepares medicine for the residents of Rosebush Manor. Each day there is a "Med Passer" whose responsibility is to give the necessary medication to the residents when it is time.
Resident Assistant Jessica Potoczak brings Rosebush Manor resident Ruth down for lunch on Dec. 7.